Polynesian Navigation and Te Lapa – The Flashing Time and Mind: Journal of Archaeology, 2013.
– reporting a light phenomenon unknown to science, its uses in navigation, and the ancient knowledge system taught by Te Aliki Koloso Kaveia of Taumako.
Te Laa o Lata: Gauging Performance of a Polynesian Sail - Journal of the Polynesian Society. 2017
Experiencing Mana As Ancestral Wind - Time and Mind: Journal of Archaeology, 2018
We, the Voyagers: Our Vaka
part 1 of a documentary feature film series. January, 2020. Pacific Traditions Society
We, the Voyagers: Our Moana
part 2 of a documentary feature film series.. J
January, 2020. Pacific Traditions Society
Ancient Voyaging Capacity in the Pacific
The Cambridge History of the Pacific Series.
(in press)
Navigating By Ancestors: Swells, Dilep, Te Lapa, and Science (in press)
The Return of Lata: New Zealand Sailing.
The Heirs of Lata
in Vaka Moana: 2006. p. xxx
Holau Kaveia:
2012 https://www.vaka.org