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Exhibit at California Maritime Academy

On 19 August, Mimi and Meph returned to Vallejo to set up an exhibit at the California Maritime Academy. Thanks to help from many of the hospitable staff and faculty (Carl, Larry, Jim, Brett, Dave, and a host of others), everything was done on time, with a minimum of fuss and a maximum of fun.

Mimi returned to the Academy on 23 September to give a talk to faculty and students and she plans to give another in January or February of 2010. Dates for this event have not been confirmed, so, if you are interested in attending, either contact Mimi directly, or watch this site for more information.

The California Maritime Academy’s campus is a lovely place, and is open to the public. We urge our friends in the San Francisco area to visit the exhibit, most of which is in the Simulation Center on Maritime Academy Drive. In the college library is a display of artifacts from the Solomon Islands, including a model Te Puke.

To find your way to or around the campus, visit their website

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